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Sweet Little Svanas
Sweet Little Svanas....Sanskrit for dogs. Adho Mukha Svanasana, downward facing dog posture. The Yogis were keen in their observation, and used nature to reflect, learn, and inspire. So I like to ask this: do dogs worry about their perfect alignment or reaching enlightenment when they are in their downward facing "dog" stretch? NO! If you've ever watched your dog, you will notice they are just simply doing it for the sheer pleasure of it. No rules, no criteria, but only perfection in the simple bliss of it. Yet they are not careless in their approach of this posture either. Svanas (dogs) are present, and conscious within their own being & body, and the alignment they choose is a natural expression of this. D-O-G's totally get into doing this stretch, let's enjoy it too with the freedom that it brings us!