This spring I attended a 10 day Vipassana retreat in Washington. As part of the preliminary things, I had to take a vow of not receiving Reiki and not to give Reiki. If you are not familiar with what Reiki is, let me explain: Reiki means simply Universal Energy. Some may think of Reiki as "laying on of the hands", but it much more of an interplay and connection to the divine energy that makes up all that IS. Once someone is attuned to this either by a teacher, some other form of awakening process, or spontaneously, it can not truly be stopped.
If nothing else, I am a serious student, and I was willing to do my very best in order to experience the beautiful teachings of Goenka who teaches the exact and original teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha himself.
I fell easily into the vows of silence (etc.), and I was thankful for my years of consistent and vigorous yogasana practice and my early upbringing in meditation. The morning began with meditation at 4:30am, which meant waking at least by 4am. Each day consisted of 10-11 hours of seated meditation. I must say, as strong as I am, it was physically very demanding! By the 3rd day, I was questioning willful intention vs. ahimsa (Sanskrit for non-harming). As Sankaras (samskaras in yogic tradition) arise, pain in the body may be felt as a result. Liberation or awakening follows. I did manage to maintain my chosen 2 seated postures, virasana and siddhasana, with the use of a buckwheat hull filled cushion.
Somewhere on day 4, when I was feeling the years of running in my knees, and samskaras in my upper back, Reiki (Universal Energy) began to flood into my system brining me an intoxicating relief of pain and incredible knowingness. I recognized this as going against my vow, and so I began my mantra (pleading demands) for the Reiki to stop. It was difficult, and the pain came back. I informed my assistant teacher, during the scheduled time to communicate with him, that energy (Reiki) was flowing. He gave me some interesting techniques to ground my energy. It seemed much like what I would do within the system of Reiki. Energy flowed yet again, but it became clear that that was indeed a NORMAL part of the practice for some "sitters".
Each morning, Goenka chants via audio tape, the exact chant that the Buddha chanted upon enlightenment. It lasts approximately 30 minutes, and begins at 6am each day. It is said in Sanskrit, and some of the words are easily recognizable to me. In English: peace, liberation, contentment, and the name Patanjali! Each morning, I listened intently to see if I truly heard correctly. And each morning my skeptical eyes were less narrow, and the corners of my closed mouth turned up.....yes indeed I DID hear the name Patanjali!
According to the Vipassana tradition, the Buddha lived 2,500 years ago. Patanjali is said to have lived 3,000-5,000+ years ago. George Feuerstein states in The Lost Teachings of Yoga that despite contrary belief, it seems to make sense to him that Patanjali came after the Buddha.
Having studied yoga for many long years, and Buddhism not as long, I can say that I am much more familiar with the yoga sutras. In either case, I kept thinking of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra that states that the asana should be steady and comfortable. The word asana in Sanskrit means seat, the original yoga posture. To be seated. The seated meditation was the first yoga posture and was the crux of the yoga practice. YS 2.46 Sthira Sukham Asanam This is a direct conflict to the Vipassana tradition to have willful intention and to not move for one hour periods. Yet Buddha chants to Patanjali, I chant to Patanjali in my heart.
Towards the 5-6th day it was carnage in the meditation hall- people in incredible physical pain, mental pain, and emotional pain. The belief is that through this practice, one can move beyond the dueling craving and aversion- knowing that it is all temporary. This IS an effective practice.....but not for everyone.
So what about those people who do not have the constitution or physical ability to do this intense self practice? I kept trying to understand WHY Reiki was such an "incompatible" practice with Vipassana.
So through the practice of Vipassana (details are held secret for those who do not attend a retreat) awareness becomes very keen, to the point of being able to observe one's own energy. This is the basis of the practice of Reiki, as well as tuning into the energy of the Universe. There is no distinction made between the individual's energy and universal energy as it is considered to be essentially the same-- ALL ONE. In yoga we would call individual energy "prana" and cosmic energy "shakti", yet ultimately it is ALL ONE. Yoga and Vipassana are compatible. Vipassana and Reiki are not compatible. OK, but perhaps there is misunderstanding or judgment. I don't know, but it certainly gave me much to ponder. Vipassana is a journey of one. Reiki can be a journey with assistance.
Reiki is indeed a very valuable practice, and Usui had originally intended it to be a path or a way....of living. It starts as a journey/practice as one, and when Reiki has mastered the individual, then they may be of assistance to others. This practice is actually not unique, and in yoga a compatible practice is called Prana Chikitsa (energy healing/treatment). When Reiki is offered to someone else, the intention is that the practitioner holds "space" for the other to experience the flow of energy, energetic blockages (samskaras) may arise, and essentially so that the wisdom of the individual and their own body to heal where/when it is needed. This could be on a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level. It is usually a very relaxing and pleasant experience. Emotions do at times come up, but it is not traumatizing.

Many traditions have been held in total secrecy for ions. I think for good reason in that not everyone should have liberty with potentially dangerous techniques. See KUNDALINI The Evolutionary Energy in Man by Gopi Krishna. Yet in the end, I think that the paths may look different, but ultimately they are heading in the same direction. The time is ripe, people are ready for change on many levels.
JIVA MUKTI Liberated Beings!
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